Thursday, August 2, 2012

Be Different...

Dear boys...

Yesterday was a weird day in our country and I feel the need to write to you about it so that in the future you can be different than what we as humans have become today. I want to be able to share "historical" events with you so that you can read it from my viewpoint and how it affected us. Our world today has become so weird to me... we can share any thought we have so quickly via social media networking (or blogging like I'm doing now)! And there seems to be no boundaries. It's ok if to hate, judge, criticize, belittle and tear down as long as it's your OPINION...that's our world's philosophy. I'm sorry, but that's not ok, and I don't ever want any of you to think that. 

Now let me start the rest of this by saying I do not pretend to be well versed in the goings on of the news lately. If it's not on the Disney Channel or Nick Jr. or I guess really Facebook, I don't know about it! Every once in a while I catch news in the morning or evening but only briefly. What happened about a week ago is that the news media reported that the owner of Chik-fil-A (Eli, this is your favorite restaurant) was asked his stance on gay marriage and he said that he supports marriage between a man and a woman. It was also reported that Chick-fil-A's charitable division, WinShape Foundation, works with and supports such groups as the National Organization for Marriage, the Ruth Institute, the Pennsylvania Family Institute, Focus on the Family and Exodus International, among others, all fighting to ban marriage for same-sex couples and some advocating to "cure" homosexuality. Well, this was the END OF THE WORLD. People that support gay marriage threw a fit and demanded a boycott while people in support of traditional marriage rallied around Chik-fil-A and created a Chik-fil-A Appreciation Day...and this day was yesterday. So many people came out to protest Chik-fil-A and MANY more people went to Chik-fil-A to eat to "appreciate" them. 

I don't care what Dan Cathy, the owner of Chik-fil-A believes. It's his right and good for him for standing by those rights! I have my beliefs and I'm entitled to those too. That is what makes our country so great. But what doesn't make our country so great these days is that somehow we have decided that people are only entitled to their opinions if they match up with our own beliefs. Be different. Love people...especially when they have different opinions and beliefs. This doesn't mean you compromise your beliefs. In fact, I think when you choose love over criticism it makes you stronger! 

My biggest questions from yesterday are "Why are we boycotting a company because of a man's personal beliefs?" and "Why are we as Christians getting fired up about THIS when there are MANY more pressing issues that we as Christians don't get fired up about and frankly ignore?" 

Here's my thoughts on the first question... Chik-fil-A has always been a company with Christian values and family values. The things I love about Chik-fil-A are because of those values: not open on Sundays, plays family friendly or Christian music over their speakers in restaurant, they have wonderful things to make bringing a toddler to their restaurant an enjoyable experience and they have manners that are unheard of these days. So why were we as a country shocked when Mr. Cathy (when asked) said a statement that only makes sense for his values???? Let the man be! He is not discriminating in his business (as far as I know) so let it go! If you don't agree and it bothers you so much, then don't eat his delicious chicken. Frankly, it would be your loss! Ha! 

In regards to the second question: This is what broke my heart yesterday. I'm assuming hundreds of thousands of Christians took LOTS of time out of their day to wait in long lines in the stifling heat to "appreciate" (with their money). It was reported today that Chik-fil-A had a record-breaking day yesterday. We as Christians are so fired up about preventing gay people from marrying that we ran to give our money to a chicken restaurant (that by the way has NOT suffered from this "bad" publicity). But when it comes to actual life-threatening things like starvation, sex-trafficing, homelessness, rampant drug use in our country, genocides in other countries, etc. we sit back in our comfy homes eating our chik-fil-A on a daily basis. No one is getting fired up enough about these issues to run by the masses to their local food banks, orphanages, CHURCHES, etc. to help eradicate these things. It hurts my heart. And what hurts the most, is that the majority of the time, I am one of those "Christians". Yes, your daddy and I both are in a ministry of some form- he leads a church and I strive to heal broken relationships in families and marriages. Yes, we tithe and support worthy causes. But, in all honesty, we should be doing more. If not financially, then physically, verbally. We should no longer sit back and TALK about how ridiculous days like yesterday are but actually do something about it. So, my promise to you boys is that by the time you read this and comprehend the message behind it, we as a family have taken up a cause and are supporting it with our hold hearts. 

But for me, the bottom line in all of this is love or the lack of it. Jesus told us that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and then RIGHT BELOW LOVING GOD, we are to LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR. This includes EVERY man, woman and child, straight, gay, christian, muslim, atheist, short, tall, black, white, skinny or fat. Our neighbor is our neighbor and you can't escape that command. So all this nonsense about gay marriage/traditional marriage is just that, nonsense. And we wouldn't have this nonsense if we embraced the words of Jesus and loved our neighbor. Why don't we spend more time embracing homosexuals and loving them and making them a part of our family instead of throwing money at organizations that solely exist to limit their rights? I'm afraid that we as Christians are digging ourselves a hole that we cannot get out of. One that people will run from instead of embrace. A Church that becomes irrelevant and seen as a place of judgment and hate. THIS is what makes me sad. So boys, love your neighbor...because Jesus loves them as much as He loves you. And find a cause worthy of your time, effort and your churches more than you support a chicken restaurant. Help the needy more than you help a political stance. The End. 

I'm pretty sure this was a bunch of rambling but it's been stirring in my heart for a week and boiled over yesterday so I had to get it out! I love you all and I know that you WILL be different and I can't wait to see how that manifests!

love, Mom

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