Thursday, August 2, 2012

4 months AND 35 months!

Here we are again... another month has gone by! WOW! I am looking at two  4 month olds and an almost THREE year old. I reminded every day how fast time goes...even when at the moment I feel like it is moving excruciatingly slow! This has been a hard month. It is HOT so we are trapped inside the's hard on everyone! Eli, you have been such a trooper because being inside is NOT your nature and I have a feeling it is not the twins' nature either since they have been so fussy this month! In an effort to keep this blog honest  for when you are parents yourselves and read this for help or advice, parenthood is so hard, frustratingly difficult, exhausting and overwhelming BUT it is so rewarding! So on hard days I flip through these pictures on my camera or phone or just hold one of you and think "I am so blessed...don't forget it!"

This month, Liam and Leo, you have spent a lot of time in your swing and on your play mats! You love your play mats and are really starting to engage with them- grabbing the rings, talking to the star, putting toys in your mouths. You are still in size 1 diapers (although Liam, you could definitely move up) and in 0-3 or 3 month clothes...about to move up in this area too! 

All wrapped up ready for a nap!

You are starting to really show your personalities and it's so neat. Liam, you are a HAM! Always smiling and laughing. It's really easy to get you to laugh- just tickle underneath your 12 chins! Leo, you are a bit harder to make smile but when you do- watch out! It's the sweetest, melt your heart smile and you love to give it away to Eli. He makes you smile the most! Just this last week you have been laughing too!

brother love

Eli- you continue to CRACK US UP! The picture above is a perfect told me you were taking your chair for a ride. How thoughtful!

Leo, your hair is so have two sections in the front and back that have been there since birth and they are about an inch or more longer than the rest! The back and sides are super short so it looks like you have a military cut. 

Eli, you love to play on the mat with your brothers and if there isn't room for you, you make room! 

The following pictures are 4th of July at Oma and Pop' has been so dry here in Arkansas this summer that the whole state had a burn ban and we couldn't shoot off our normal fireworks display. But we still got together for fun in the pool and good food!

We stayed at Oma and Pop's for a few days after the 4th to enjoy some pool time while we could. Liam, you liked the pool...Leo, you liked to lounge! :) 

Eli, you constantly amaze me with what you are willing to try and were jumping off the diving board, putting your hear under and trying to swim all week long!

We've been trying to do some tummy time so that you both will build up your neck muscles but you do NOT like being on your bellies! So we have started putting you in your bumbo seats to help with the process. 

You both have found your hands (Liam, you've even found your thumb a few times)! And are starting to discover your feet!

Eli, you had VBS at Oakley Chapel and you were a little bit bashful...Dad had to go with you every day but you had fun! The mascot was an octopus named Ocho and you told me about him every day! At the closing program you danced and sang and made us all laugh! The next day we had some visitors... Aunt Jessica, Uncle Josh, Addy, Easton, Gran and Grandad, and Cohen all came to see us. It was such a fun day! Eli, Addy and Cohen got to go to Jump Zone and jump around (no pictures because Momma was home with the babies and daddy doesn't think of that stuff). But plenty of fun outside beforehand!

Leo, this is your attempt at the do really well, until you don't! ha! Started sitting up straight...and you slowly end of hunched over!

One night before bed...bathed and changing into pj's. Momma has a new camera so I am still working on learning all the manual settings so I like to take as many pictures as I can in ordinary settings!

this face CRACKS me up!

such a big brother!

you make me smile! 

The day before you turned 4 months, we took you to the doctor for your check-up and shots. Leo you weighed 12 lbs and were 24.5 inches long and Liam you were 13 lbs and 24.25 inches long. The doctor said Leo was 10% in weight and 50% in length and Liam was 50% in weight and 10% in length! Makes me laugh how different you two are! We thought Leo had an ear infection but he didn't so 4months and no sickness for you two! We saw a new doctor named Dr. Savage and he was super nice. I think you all liked him! Here is the 4 month picture shoot! This was actually taken one day late because you were recovering from your shots!

i love it when you smile...doesn't happen often enough so it's really special when you do!

This is the story of our 4th month- Liam spitting up... A LOT!

This month hasn't been as busy as your first 3 but we had fun just the same. You went to Oma and Pop's, Gran and Grandad's (for Grandad's 60th birthday), we went to the Fayetteville library to see Eli's favorite local musician, Brian Kinder (and you two did GREAT), we tried church a few times and I'm thinking I'm not trying that for a LONG time unless I have reinforcements, and we went to Ft. Smith to see all the Greats twice! But the rest of the time we just chilled at home trying to get used to a schedule, figure out the tricks of getting you two to nap longer than 30 minutes and getting you used to life! Eli, you spent a LOT of time with Daddy at church...oh that reminds me- the stomach bug came to our house a couple weeks ago and Eli and Momma got sick and PRAISE THE LORD you all and daddy did not! But because of this, you went to your first Bible Study with daddy! Ha! He said it was a major fail but what can he expect from two babies and a 2 year old? Eli, we are working on LISTENING and manners right now. The listening is a work in progress...and sometimes a very frustrating work but all in all you are an awesome kid! Leo and Liam, I know that sometimes in my mind I want to rush through this phase..."when they are ____old we'll be able to do ___" or "I can't wait for _____" but I try to remind myself that THIS IS IT! No more babies at our house after this so I HAVE to relish this time and soak in the baby smells and coos and even SCREAMS (which Leo, you have the most horrendous scream ever and you LOVE to use it)! This has been a hard month...lots of crying from all of us. You both have fought going to sleep at night this past week and that is TORTURE. Daddy and I are are hanging in there. I keep trying to remind myself that I know our future is going to be so full of fun times and exciting things but our present is pretty incredible too. So when you come to me when you have kids and need someone to listen to how difficult it is, I will listen, empathize and then quickly remind you of how fast it went for me!

love, Momma

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