Saturday, July 7, 2012

3 months...beginning of Summer 2012

Once again a month has flown by! All 3 of my boys are changing so much...I can't even begin to share what I experience with you 3 in a day but I'll try!

First for Leo and Liam- you went to Gran and Grandad's for the first time. Daddy had Annual Conference in Ft. Smith so we all loaded up and went for the week. You did great with being in a different environment for that amount of time but we were so glad to come home!

This was the month of meeting people...We went and visited our old Greenwood UMC church family and were able to meet a lot of people! The Steward-Russell family came up to see us and on the same day, the Johnson family came and met you all for the first time@

Another first, you survived Goodman Family Vacation 2012 in Orange Beach, AL. You did so good on the trip down and did great other than not really sleeping at night but the way back was TERRIBLE! We were all worn out! While there you met your cousin Nico for the first time and went swimming for the first time. You also made it down to the beach twice but very briefly! Next year it will be great to see what a difference a year makes! Last year at the beach your dad and I were discussing if we were going to have more kids and this year we have TWO! How blessed we are!

Another first- you slept a 9 hour stretch this month and now towards the end, this is the norm! You normally go to bed around 7:00 and wake up around 3:00-4:00. We are loving this new routine. We are also trying to really get a good eat/wake/nap routine down to help you all learn to sleep and this week it's going OK.

You also experienced your first trip to the Splash Park in Rogers with all stayed dry and in the shade with me. We also took our first family "hike" at Hobbs State Park...we stayed on the handicap trail so not sure it was an actual hike! HA!

We are successfully surviving parenting on our own...we have had no help since the beginning of  June and all 5 of us are still alive! You both are talking so much and smiling so much and moving your legs like you're trying to run somewhere. You love when Eli talks to you but don't love when he rocks out while you're sleeping! Liam, this morning as I was nursing you, I remembered how when you were itty bitty your legs would go straight up in the air as I was nursing and just as I thought it, you did it again! Made me smile because as much as I can't wait to see you both grow, I'm already missing you as newborns. I guess because I know I'll never have a newborn again! 

I went back to work this month- but only for a few clients...rebuilding my practice is going to be slow going since people are relatively happier in the summer :)

Eli- goodness. Where in the world do I begin? You are growing into such a young BOY (not baby) and we love and hate it. You've definitely found your will and voice and it is very trying sometimes but you're still so cute it's hard to get onto you or stay mad! You say some of the funniest things. At the beach you told Aunt Jen "bless your heart" when she said her bladder was about to burst. The other day in the car, Dad said you sneezed a lot and you said "that's a lot of bless me's!" You've started saying "I didn't know that!" when we are talking about things. And as always you are still our rockstar but recently you've really gotten into baseball or all balls for that matter (including the ones attached to a  mom this one is tough because I don't understand it)! You've been so good about going to church with daddy in the morning so that momma can stay home and focus on brothers. But I'm trying to find time just for me and you, too! At the beach we got lots of pool time had so much fun! You went crab hunting with Gidian and Keegan because you are old enough to stay up later some nights. You also met Nico and you call him Neato...and you loved on him just like your brothers! I could go on and on about all the ways you crack me up, but the latest was this morning. You walked into the living room waving and smiling like you were walking onto a stage and waving to your fans (because that's what the Imagination Movers do at their concert) and it looked so natural. Made me think that I will be seeing that same thing in about 20 years as you play your own concert! 

Boys, once again I've realized this month how blessed I am to be your mom and I try every day to not fail you in a million ways but I know sometimes I do. I just pray that the things that I am successful at outshine the failures. My biggest prayer is that I "grow" you in the way God would have me to so that you all are His children and eventually His men that serve HIM and not this crazy world. We were able to do a lot of fun things this month but my best moments are when all 5 of us are in momma and daddy's bed in the morning...just talking and laughing at Eli and playing patty cake.

I could organize these pictures but that takes a TON of time...they are pretty self-explanatory so no need for captions either!

love, Mom

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