Saturday, March 31, 2012

Big Brother Eli

Eli, This is our last weekend with just you as our boy! We are so excited to have a few more days with just you and we relish the 2.5 years we've had you all to ourselves. One of the the many reasons we are excited about your brothers is because you are so excited. Over the past 9+ months, you have been so sweet to momma and the babies in her belly. You hug and kiss my belly and say "hey brothers!" all the time! I know that your brothers are already so lucky to have such a rock star of a big brother! My prayer is that you always look out for and love them, and that the three of you are the best of friends! Lately, you are growing up so fast. You mastered potty training like a pro- hardly any accidents! You are talking up a storm and say some of the funniest things... my favorite lately is when you come into our room in the morning you say "Daddy, the dark is off" in the sweetest voice and we know it's time to wake up! How can we resis that? You are constantly singing, playing drums or the guitar! As I type this we are outside and you are playing drums on the neighbor's big rock singing a melody of your favorite songs: "I like being a kid, My dog is the best dog in the WHOLEEEEEEEEE wide world, Jump up, listen up everybody!" You ALWAYS want to be helpful and even though sometimes it's not super helpful to have you help, I can't resist seeing you learn new things and get so proud when you do something for momma or daddy. Now that the weather is nice (unseasonably warm for NWA), you spend countless hours outside and we are lucky that our neighbor has a little girl (almost 5) that you LOVE playing with! We don't go inside as long as the weather cooperates! You really are such a joy and we are so humbled to be your parents. I am amazed every day that God created YOU from me and your dad...I know we are biased but you're pretty awesome. We can't wait to see what God has planned for your future!Thank you for being you and for being a GREAT big brother already... I cannot wait to see your face on Tuesday when you meet them! love, Mom
making waffles...

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