Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Here we go!!!!

To my boys:

This is my first blog post ever. I decided a long time ago that I wanted to document our lives through this platform so that I can keep track of all of the daily/weekly/monthly things that happen and we forget about in the craziness of life. Eli, I'm sorry that momma didn't start this sooner with you...but we'll try to play catch up before your brothers arrive! Leo and Liam, I hope that this will be a gift to you all too- to see what life was like for our family even before you were born.

Eli- you are about 31 months old. You are such a JOY to have! You are truly a blessing to me and your make us laugh about a million times a day with the things you do and say. Currently, you have tackled a major hurdle- potty training! We have been pee-pee trained since the middle of January but you have been so afraid to poop on the potty. Well, with a LOT of bribing, you have decided within the last week that maybe it isn't so scary! You were able to get a choo-choo and track set. You are obsessed with it! You go to MDO on Tuesday and Wednesday's at Southside Church of Christ Sonshine School. You love that too! You are excited about being a big brother and ask me all the time "Babies come yet, momma?" You love anything related to music and have since you started walking and able to pick up a guitar. Everything is a drum or guitar and you love to dance and sing. You are such a great kid and amaze us every day!

Leo and Liam- We are count down for your arrival. I was 35 weeks on Saturday so almost to the 36 week point that we've been striving for the whole pregnancy. You both are growing big and doing are very active and keep me alert all day and night! We cannot wait to meet you and see how you both look and discover what your personalities are. Your brother is excited too and can't wait to sing you songs. I hope you always know that you were loved before you were born and prayed for from the the day we knew we were having you!

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