Monday, May 7, 2012

One Month...


This past week marked your first month of life. WOW! We have survived one month...thanks to LOTS of help from grandparents. Momma has spent a lot of time crying, wondering how I am ever going to be able to take care of all three of you by myself, but PRAISE the LORD I don't have to worry about that right this second.

You turned one month a week ago and this is the first time I have had a chance to get on here and type out a few thoughts...hence the crying about whether I can do this on my own! :) I am supposed to be taking a shower but instead I am sneaking some time on the computer to document your lives.

Eli- what a champ you are! I know I have gotten short with you this past month but you really have been such a great boy. I am so proud of the big brother that you already are! You are 33 months way ahead of your little brothers and you really are the light of my life...and quite a few other people. Your rock and roll mentality brings us such joy in times that we are needing a good laugh and a good "concert"! Lately you have given us lots of concerts- you say "sit down everybody, I have a concert!" and we all MUST sit down! This is your last month of MDO at the Sonshine School and I am sad because you LOVE it- your friends, your teachers and all the fun you get to have. Whatever will we do all summer?

Leo- You started out at 6lbs at birth, dropped to 5lbs 4 oz, got up to 6 lbs at 3 weeks and at one month you were 6lbs 10oz. So you are growing. You were very chill and relaxed your first few weeks of life and now you are starting to get a little more vocal! You love to be held and most times demand it! You have also started to coo some and love patty cake with Oma. You also like Eli's concerts! Your sweet little lips melt my heart and your hair CRACKS me up!

Liam- You started at 6lbs 11.5oz, dropped to 6lbs 3 oz, went up to 6lbs 4oz at 3 weeks and were also 6lbs 10oz at a month. You were not happy most of your first 3 weeks until we figured out you were hardly eating anything at all. We had to start supplementing you and brother with formula (primarily because you chose and still choose to sleep while you nurse)! You are getting happier by the day...when you are content and have your eyes open, you are SO handsome. I love your big blue eyes!

Momma and Daddy are getting the hang of things but we need you to do the same to make this all work! :) We ventured out to Target last week (your first outing that didn't include the doctor's office) and we also went to the park. You both really like being outside and that's a good thing because Eli demands outdoor time! We are excited to see you grow and change every day and we just hope that you are patient with us as we try to figure it all out. I know sometimes we lose patience with you all but you are quick to flash us a sweet look and remind us that you are just babies...

We love all three of you so much and cannot believe that God has blessed us with each of you. Sometimes we still have to remind each other that we have THREE KIDS! WOW! Who would've thought- not me! I think the next post will just be a picture update from your first month...lots of cute pictures I haven't included yet!

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