Wednesday, April 10, 2013

HIP HIP HOORAY! It's YOUR Birthday(s)!

Well...WE MADE IT!

We all survived the first year of the life of twins!!!! That could be the end of this post and that would be enough BUT what we are really celebrating is how far you two have come. Here are some random facts about you both:

Leo Justice Underwood, born April 1, 2012 at 8:03pm...all 6 lbs of you. I remember my first glance at you...all I still see are your sweet, precious lips and I don't know how many times I've thought to myself (or said out loud for that matter) over the past year how sweet your lips are! Just so cute! When we took you to the doctor for your 12 month check up you were almost 19 lbs and 28 3/4" have GROWN! And you have changed in so so so many ways! From the beginning you were pretty laid back, until you were ready to eat, and then you were READY! You were a GREAT eater from the beginning until we switched you to just bottle (you nursed better than brother so you can thank brother for making you switch to 100% bottle)! You are still a great eater and the more adventurous eater. Even though you are smaller, you have a MUCH bigger appetite! You have been a pretty chill baby over this past year- except when you haven't been- it's hard to explain that! You really like your alone time, but you also like your cuddle time, but on your terms. You love to be cheek to cheek or forehead to forehead. Your hair is CRAZY! Your cry is sometimes blood-curdling. Your smile is beyond contagious! You are a good sleeper...better napper and at night too! As of your birthday you still only have your 2 bottom teeth. No paci for nap and bed (and not technically as of your birthday, but your birthday week, no paci AT ALL!!!!). Transitioned to sippy cup and just a bottle before bed. You like to love all things music! When we say "everybody clap your hands" you wave your hands up and down (just mastered actually clapping this week). You are standing on your own. You like to walk with your walker...up and down the driveway and sidewalk and all over the house. You can climb up onto things but can't get down. You hate sharing with brother (especially momma). You adore Eli and he makes you laugh!

Liam Martin Underwood, born April 1, 2012 at 8:04pm...all 6 lbs 11oz of you. You have been such a firecracker from the moment I felt you move in my belly! I knew exactly what your personality would be as soon as I saw you on the ultrasound taking up all the space from your brother and kicking him in the head! I remember my first glance at you was all CHEEKS and you are still a whole lotta cheeks! I love my little chunk! At your 12 month check up you weighed in at 20 lbs and 28.5"'ve stayed a good pound bigger than brother this whole year. It took you a bit to get the hang of eating (not much of a nurser, other than to just be close to me) but once you got your lazy hands on a bottle, you gained and grew! You are a catnapper and until the last month and a half didn't enjoy sleeping through the we like you more now :) haha! You are so much fun to watch- you are constantly scheming and climbing. Your brain is going 24/7. I have a feeling we will have plenty of trips to the ER! You LOVE to cuddle with me after your brief naps. Your hair is starting to fill in (just doesn't show up as well as brother's) and it's curling 
in the back. When you get mad, we laugh because you get so mad and still hold your breath if you're super offended! You don't like to share with brother either. You adore Eli as well! When we say "everybody clap your hands" you clap and smile like you did the best thing ever! You also clap if you hear clapping. You are standing on your own really well. No paci at nap and bed (and now paci free during day too)! Did I mention you climb? Ha! LOTS of bruises already from that! You are a good eater when you want to be...for you it's a texture thing now that you are eating more solids. Sometimes it takes a few tries before you decide you like it. 

This year has been the hands down, absolute hardest year of my life. It has also been the hands down, absolute most rewarding year of my life! When I think back to the day you were born and think about how it's been a YEAR, I think "Only a year???" and then I immediately think "How is that possible that a whole year has gone by?" Sometimes I feel like I've been in hibernation or what I will now call "infant twin fog" and it seems like I've been robbed of time! We haven't really been able to go anywhere or do anything and now we are slowly coming out of the fog and life seems like it's getting back to our NEW normal! So now I need time to SLOW DOWN. I want to savor these last few months of baby-dom and soak in every ounce of your little coos and ahhs before you start saying real words. I swear that by the end of this week you will be walking, so I'm soaking up all the cute little booties I see in the air as you crawl around. Before April 1, 2012, there was no way I could have predicted what this last year would've been like and I would not change a second because this year molded each of you into the little blessings that you are. You each are so totally different and unique and amazing and a PERFECT fit into our crazy family. Seeing my 3 boys grow this year has been such a blessing! It really reminds me of how AWESOME our God is...HE created each of you from me and your daddy. How could 2 people create three totally different and awesome little humans? God. That's how! He's creative, huh? Don't ever forget:
For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14

This year has only made me more and more excited to see the men that each of you will turn into. I am so happy to be your momma and I don't take the task of helping mold you into men of character and into men that love and serve the Lord lightly. One day, I hope you can look back over these silly blog posts and realize how much your daddy and I love you and maybe offer us a little grace in the moments where we mess up...because we DO LOVE YOU and we are trying our best! Happy Birthday, sweet, precious boys! You had my heart the moment I felt your sweet kicks in my belly and you will have my heart for every moment since! 

Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...Happy birthday dear Leo and Liam...Happy birthday to YOU!!!!!

love, Momma

p.s. you will have another post devoted strictly to your party and baptism, but I'm calling it a night tonight!

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