Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10 Months and singing the Winter Blues!

Dear Boys...

'Tis January and it started off with a...SICKNESS! Eli and Liam, you both had ear infections when you got back from Oma and Pop's from Christmas celebrations and Leo I don't think you ever had an ear infection but you certainly weren't feeling yourself! I think we all had a bit of a nasty cold and it took us ALL a bit of time to get over it...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Not sure what 2013 has in store for The Underwood's but I'm hoping it's less sickness and more health!

The weather has been so yuck lately- not severe enough for the fun snow days but not mild enough for outside time. I think it is driving us all a little crazy. Sadly, I think there are whole weeks where Leo and Liam don't even get out of the house...our adventures include going to Sam's or Cabela's lately just to have something to do. All 3 of you like Cabela's because they have a big aquarium where you can look at the fish and of course a massive amount of dead animals stuffed and mounted throughout the store...good thing I don't really have an aversion to that type of thing since you all seem to eat it up! Eli, you LOVE to go look at the boats and pick out which one you want to buy that week (when you make the rockstar $$ maybe you can actually buy one day). When the temperature is 50 or above we try to spend as much time outside but that hasn't happened lately and it makes us all a bit blue- we are all happier when we get some outside time! Looking forward to spring!

Leo and Liam- time keeps flying by because you turned 10 MONTHS old on New Years day. Hard to believe. Sometimes I compare what we were doing this time last year, what life looked like, and I honestly struggle with what we did before you all! I always said after Eli was born that your Dad and I must've wasted so much time because what did we do with all of our free time??? And now I'm wondering, what did we do when we only had one kid to care for? How easy life was and we didn't even know it! haha! Since you have both perfected your crawling abilities nothing in our household is off limits. You both are NOTHING like your big brother and are into everything! Sleeping is still a mystery to us...can't figure you all out (mainly Liam). Eating is going well- still love your sweet potatoes, avocados, and we mix in another green veggie. This month we have started adding more and more fruit into the mix and you LOVE it! We spend lots of time watching daddy and Eli play soccer or football in the living room and you both love being right up in the mix of it...too funny to watch it all!

Liam, your Oma and Pop say that you remind them so much of your Uncle Ian and I have to agree. It cracks me up how much your temperament is similar to his. You are adventurous...seems like nothing scares you until it does and then you are a HUGE baby! You get your feelings hurt so easily! The funnest thing you do is still clapping your hands. All I have to do is say "YAY!!" and you smile so big and start clapping. SO sweet. You love baths, you love to eat but still don't like anything that isn't completely pureed, you love to snuggle with momma after naps, and you love Eli and everything about his room!

Leo, you are more of a mystery to me but I am starting to figure you out more and more each day. You are so gentle and kind...until you aren't! You love to sit cheek to cheek with someone...I think that's how you show you really like/love someone and then just as quickly you'll reach up and try to rip a nose, an eye, a chin off! You are starting to stick up more for yourself with Liam and not letting him bully you all the time which is funny to watch (because as noted above he is a big baby when something like this happens and you just laugh or keep doing it). You love baths too (you never crawl faster than when you hear the bath water turn on), you love to go off and play alone ( you need your space and momma totally gets that!), you love to eat, you are a better sleeper/napper than Liam and we like that, and you too love Eli and everything about his room!

Eli- you continue to keep us entertained with your constant forms of music and your sense of humor that is developing more and more every day! I sense that you have inherited the Goodman sarcasm and it is quite funny to watch in a 3 year old...I know one day I probably won't be so fond of this sarcasm (teenage years) but for now it's entertaining! You are so precious and have such a sweet heart. Pop reminded me of something I forgot to post in the last blog from Christmas. We were at Oma and Pop's for our Christmas there and I was trying to get you to go to sleep and said "Tomorrow we have more presents to open from Oma and Pop and Aunt Jen and I think even Uncle Ian and Aunt Crystal got you something." And you said "Why did Uncle Ian and Aunt Crystal get me something. They already got me my Christmas present?" I thought you were referring to when we went to San Antonio over Thanksgiving and they SPOILED you with the riverboat and then the drive-thru safari so I asked why you thought that and you said "Aunt Crystal gave me drumsticks!" She brought you those in October and your sweet mind remembered and you thought that that was good enough...which it was! It melted my heart, especially during Christmas when lots of boys and girls get wrapped up in how many presents they get. You still LOVE to be with your family- love to go to Nana and Pawpaw's and G'Oma's on Fridays (you know that G'Oma will always have a sweet treat for you that she has baked and you look forward to it and you love picking up gum balls in Pawpaw's yard). You still like school and I think you are coming out of your shell a little bit and even talking about what you did with other kids at school!

To me, nothing great than seeing all three of you together...even in a chaotic moment like this!

I love my sweet Eli Reese!

Aunt Jen, Uncle Jared, Gidian, Keegan and Aidan came to visit and we all got to play outside for a bit...

Here are some of from your 10 month photo shoot...quite comical to try and get you both to sit still. And those are kisses on your cheeks since it was almost valentine's day!

Here are the random pics throughout the month...

Eli's first Razorback basketball game!

First time to get down on the ground outside and play!

 Cabella's...our favorite cold day place to go!

You have started walking with your walker!

Someone ran a red light and hit daddy in the prius :( right after we paid it off! 

           My little "girl"! ha! Miss Cati did it!

 Fuzzy, but how sweet is a sleeping pic???

I love all my boys...you each are SO totally different and it makes the days fun and never boring! Time is going fast so I am trying to soak in every second that you are each at these ages! We love you so much and are thankful to God for our little family...don't ever forget or doubt that!

love, Momma

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