Friday, January 18, 2013

November, Turkey, 8 months

So this month was crazy...I think I start every post with something to that effect! I started looking at pictures to post and I don't even have actual camera pictures until November 22. Thank goodness for camera phones! I think I rely too heavily on this and forget to use my wonderful camera as much as I should. I am trying to remember what this month contained for us and all I can remember is it had a LOT of hours in the car!
That first paragraph was written well over a month ago and I am STILL so far behind in writing this post that I am STILL having trouble remember what you did this month, what you did the next month and what you are doing now! Mommy-ing twins is really taking it's toll on my brain and the holidays thrown in there did not help! You all did not master anything new really...just perfected the art of sitting up, perfected the art of STILL not sleeping (you really mastered this at Uncle Ian and Aunt Crystal's), you are working on some teeth...Leo you got your FIRST one on the bottom, you both are WANTING to crawl and are so close. I really thought that you would do it by the time Thanksgiving rolled around but I think all those hours in the car and off the floor really set you back! 

The weather became colder here in NWA so that meant more time inside...yay (sarcasm). But good thing you (Eli) are a super good big brother and can entertain your little brothers so well. They LOVE you! You all love to play in Eli's room. Eli, you entertain brothers with your "toncerts" and they are your biggest groupies!

For Thanksgiving, I made the biggest gamble yet and decided to load us all up and make a trip to San Antonio with a stop over in Dallas to see the brothers/sisters-in-laws (uncles/aunts/nephew). I ended up being so happy with the decision because despite the lack of sleep (which we would've endured at home any way) we had a great trip! All three of you did better than we could've even asked in the car. On the way there we broke the trip up into 2 days. We stopped in Dallas to see Uncle Justin, Aunt Gaby, Nico, and Jaime. Short visit but so good to see them. The pictures below are from our pitstop at wendy's on our way to dallas...this is your first time in a "restaurant". As you can tell, we don't venture out much! 

Eli reading to "Nito"!

The Triplets!

Then on to San Antonio we went! Even though momma messed up with some directions and it took us about an hour and a half longer to get there, you guys still did great and we were so happy to see Aunt Crystal and Uncle Ian! 

Making cookies with Aunt Crystal!

Uncle Ian and his mini-me Liam 

In my laziness and in hopes to finally get this month's post complete, the rest of these pictures of the trip will not be in order...please forgive me! 

Thanksgiving Day

My Three Turkeys...never thought I'd have THREE Toms!

I love how Eli and Leo are making the same face in this picture!

This was the morning we left...wanted a picture of all 5 of them

we then wanted a picture to show the HUGE difference between Memphis and the babies but that didn't quite pan out the way we intended!

This is our Riverwalk morning!


We had such a good trip with them and they were such fabulous hosts to our crazy family! For two people that don't have kids, they were wonderful to their nephews and spoiled them rotten...especially Eli! They treated us to the Riverwalk boat ride, took Eli on a Car Safari and we roasted marshmallows. Not to mention a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving meal...considering it was their first, it was as good as any we've had...shhhh...don't tell my mom! 

It was a house divided on that Friday...Arkansas vs LSU...this year we let Aunt Crystal have the win ;)

At the drive-thru safari, Uncle Ian got attacked by an Ostrich AND a Zebra and we all got a good laugh at his expense!

Right before we left for San Antonio, your newest cousin, Aidan Greer Fuller, decided to make his appearance into the world a little early on November 18th! So we had to wait to see him until on our way home. So we made our trip home in ONE DAY...and you all STILL did fabulous. We were so proud. And so excited to meet this little stinker...yes, ANOTHER BOY in the Goodman Clan...that makes SEVEN

I changed his diaper, and I guess it had been a minute since I changed a newborn diaper because I let him pee all over! And it made me a little sad because he was wearing Leo and Liam's clothes...seems like y'all were just this little. But to be honest, I'm glad y'all are past this stage (even though it seems like we are still getting the same amount of sleep...does it seem like I am harping on the sleep???? TAKE A HINT!!!)

Big boys playing big boys games with Pop!

6 out of 7 with Oma and Pop!

FINALLY back home and Getting closer to crawling!

Right after getting home from San Antonio, we unpacked and packed again to go to Branson and Dollar City with Gran and Grandad. Right when we got there, Leo, you threw up. Next was Eli, then was Daddy! Luckily Mommy and Liam never really got it (although I think we got a throw-up-less version of it). Leo and Eli recovered super fast and we all went to SDC minus Daddy! Although I think these pics are a combination of our two trips this month...

Eli and waiting for the Christmas parade

Tired boys after a long day after SDC!

Now ready for 8 month pics and CHRISTMAS!

Now some random pictures from the month! Even more random than the rest of these!

You two love music as much as your big brother!

You love your Nana!

FINALLY! Liam, you decided to hold your bottle on your own this month! Leo, not so much yet!

Elf Happy came to our house and Eli was HAPPY! 

Boys, each month brings new joys, new challenges, lots of laughs, lots of tears, plenty of prayers, plenty of pleas to God and lots of time just rocking each of you and THANKING GOD that I have each of you. Thank God for those moments to remind me what a blessing each of you are. Life with 3 is hard. Life with infant TWINS and TODDLER is that much more difficult. There are days when I question what God was thinking when He thought that I could handle it...but He IS the all knowing so I suppose He knows, right?? :) Bear with me when I struggle and know that I love you and He loves you more than that! 

love, Momma

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