Wednesday, October 17, 2012

6 months...cooler weather

Wow...I was re-reading last month's post to try and remember what has taken place since the last time I posted! A LOT! I need to get better about updating as the month goes and posting at the end (instead of 2 weeks into the next month). But life with the 3 of you is crazy. And although I have great intentions in the evening when you go to bed, the day catches up to me, and I become catatonic! The first thing I noticed is that the Great Paci Removal didn't still have paci's for nap! other than that...Let's start with some stats: (note: Eli was a whole 2 lbs smaller than Liam and 1 lb smaller than Leo at 6 months...blew my mind!)

 Liam: at your 6 month check up, you were 16 lbs. You started wearing size 3 diapers at night because you go longer without a changed. You are comfortable in 3-6 but primarily 6 month clothes. You are a little smile and laugh like crazy! But then you WHINE like crazy. There is not much in between with you and when you get like this, there is not much we can do to help! You have developed a case of stranger anxiety lately and you LOSE it when someone other than family tries to hold you.

Leo: You were 15lbs at your check up. You are still in size 2 diapers and wearing 3-6 month clothes (sometimes 3 month if I just can't let an outfit go) and sometimes 6 if we want to coordinate with brother. You are our more serious one still but you are getting quite a sweet disposition about you. You are a little more laid back than Liam in that you can just chill- until you are done...then you are DONE! 
You both really took off with the rolling this month and you both still get mad sometimes when you end up on a side that you don't particularly want to be- and you FORGET how to get back to the other side! It is slightly amusing and sometimes I may or may not let you stay like that just for a bit and laugh at how frustrated you get! You are working on sitting up at this point. Momma really wants you sitting up for your 6 month pictures with cousin Jen- that's actually when you are 6.5 months so we are beginning "sitting up" boot camp and neither of you really care for it. Although, you are both enjoying your bumbos more. We got an exersaucer from Oma and Pop and we have started using that and you all like that for a little something different. You both are VERY vocal at times and love to talk first thing in the morning. Leo, for as high pitched as your cry is, your talking voice is much deeper. This month, you are still eating about every 3 hours (more or less) during the day. You both have become very "hit or miss" eaters...very difficult to feed...sometimes you eat your whole bottles, sometimes you don't, sometimes you fuss the whole way through and sometimes you just fuss! You are still taking about 3 naps a day. Leo, you are definitely our better sleeper. However, for the most part, Liam, when it comes to naps, on most days you are put yourself to sleep faster (while Leo takes a few minutes of patting on his butt) but Leo, you stay down longer than Liam! You both are still not sleeping well at night...much to our chagrin! I know one day I will be saying "You're sleeping the day away! Get up!" but that day is NOT even close to being here yet so let me complain about the lack of sleep while I can. It's every mom and dad's right of passage. We are trying to get you all to go to bed closer to 7:00...we take baths, spend some "quiet" time in your room (whatever Eli's version of quiet is) and prepare for bed. You both wake of and on in the night and end up eating between 3-5:00am. Eli you are still taking 1 nap a day around 1:00 and it lasts anywhere from 1.5-3 hours. At night you typically go to bed around 8:00 and wake around 7:00.

This night, you were wrestling on the floor and it was HILARIOUS! 
This picture sums it up the the best!

You both are teething...Liam seems to be showing more of the effects but you both prefer people's fingers to any other teething toy!

Eli, you love your brothers so much! You always entertain them and want to hold and love on them. 

In the one one below (right) you are Handy Manny...lately, everything is tucked into your pants. And if you have a pencil, pen, marker or stick, you put that behind your ear like Handy Manny does!

1, 2, 3, 4, I declare thumb WAR! Not sure who won!

You two love to take brother's dog, bear and beebee whenever he happens to leave them behind. Leo, you look so proud of yourself in this pic!

Leo, your hair always stays straight in a faux-hawk if we comb it up right after bath. I just can't resist. Liam, people say you have no hair, but you are getting some's just WHITE!
I love how you littles are enamored with your big! He gives concerts for you all the time!

All 3 of you are lucky in that you get to spend lots of Fridays with your great-grandparents in Ft. Smith!

And drum roll... we took our first family trip to DOLLAR CITY (silver dollar city in Branson). Eli, you LOVED it (of course) and rode the roller coaster like a pro and Leo and Liam, you both did fantastic and we all rode the train at the end of the day!


Eli, you continue to be our constant source of entertainment...not sure when this will ever change. I hope it never does! Most afternoons (who am I kidding, mornings and evenings too) we spend watching one of your is an example!

You are checking to make sure brother has a ticket or if he's enjoying the "toncert"!

These are a few of the many faces we get to see of yours every day!

You started your new school this month and it was quite the change for all of us. Much bigger than your last school, much more rigid and structured and a lot more kids! I think you were nervous (as to be expected) your first few days but you have quickly adjusted. One of the things I like most about your school is that they send home a sheet every day that has what you did. This comes in handy when I ask "what did you do today?" and your response every.single.time is "I don't know!" Oh, how I look forward to all of the conversations in our future!

Most mornings we just get to chill and sometimes momma gets her camera out and does some practicing! These are a few of those shots!

Other times, you get to be a monkey on the bed...shhhh, don't tell Pop we let you do this!

When we were at Gran and Grandad's for E's birthday, we tried something new since we didn't bring our whale tub...Easton's pool floatie! You guys LOVED it!!! Leo, you are are doing your typical junk grab. Such a boy!

We went to Charleston for Easton's 1st birthday! What a fun party...and what a sweet, precious boy! Cannot believe he is already 1. You all are going to be the best of buds just like Addyson and Eli since you are so close in age. Can't wait to see how you interact in a few months!


Eli, y'alls faces crack me up!!

Easton had plenty of help opening presents between Addyson, Eli and Cohen!

Birthday Boy! He was pretty excited about his new ride!

Liam, one of the things I love about you is that you will relax and fall asleep anywhere if someone will snuggle with you. You are my snuggled... Eli NEVER did this and Leo rarely does this!

THEN...our crazy, fun weekend continued with a quick visit with Aunt Gaby, Uncle Justin, and cousin Nico who were visiting in Fort Smith. We stopped by G'Oma's to see him...

Nico was fascinated with your head, Liam...I think because you are (basically bald) he thought it looked like a ball!

The three amigos, stooges, primos...whatever you want to call yourselves! 


Leo, you still aren't fond of personal space invasion! Cracks me up every time!

Once you settle into it, you both are chewing on each other's extremities!

PHOTO SHOOT time for ELI! Momma took you to the train depot in Russellville and attempted 3 year pics! I was pretty impressed with what I got because you were NOT having it! You are getting so big and so heart swells with joy and how stinkin' awesome you are!

All 3 of you are growing and changing every make me smile a million times! Some days you make me cry a million times and that is why I am so happy I have found the book "Loving the Little Years". One of momma's facebook friends recommended it and I love it. It speaks right to my heart and is helping minster to me in what can be a very difficult time sometimes. My favorite quote is this one:

"Blessings, like children, are not ethereal and weightless. Sometimes they feel like they come at you like a Kansas hail storm- they might leave a welt! But if you accept your lot and rejoice in your tool, God will give you the kind of overwhelming joy that cannot remember the details. Motherhood is hard work. It is repetitive and often times menial. Accept it. Rejoice in it. This is your tool. R
ight here. Those are their faces. Enjoy them. The days of your life Re supposed to be full of things like this. But joy is not giddy. It is not an emotional rush- it is what happens when you accept your lot and rejoice in your tool. So rejoice in your children. Look them in the eyes and give thanks. You will not even remember the work of all this planting when the harvest of joy overwhelms you." 

I am hopefully growing and changing in character, strength and faith just as much and just as quickly as quickly as you all are physically. I fail daily...multiple times a day. I only pray that you as you get older and you can 
recognize my failures, that you offer me grace and I promise I will do the same! Your dad and I love you all so much. Can't wait to see what October has in store for us. The cooler weather has already begun here in NWA and that has been fabulous. It's not quite consistent yet so we are hoping for that... along with pumpkin patches, maybe another trip to Dollar City, Halloween, birthdays, etc, etc. Never a dull moment in the Underwood household!

love you...a bushel and a peck... Momma

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